This last week we had an EF2 tornado blow through Northwest Arkansas. The devastation is quite substantial: fences are down, roofs are destroyed, and trampolines crushed like coke cans. Do you have a disaster recovery package in place for your company? What would happen if an EF2 tornado destroyed your business? Destroyed everything in your business? Do you have all of that information backed up elsewhere? Is it in the cloud somewhere? DO you have your data backed up offsite? What would happen if that offsite location got destroyed or hit with an EF2 tornado or something stronger? Do you ask these questions regarding your business? Have you considered what would you do if you lost all of the information in your company? We have a turnkey solution called DocuWare. It acts as a digital archiving system for all of your data and can be backed up offsite in multiple locations in case one of those locations gets destroyed. Consider this when planning how to protect your business in case of disaster.