Using Our TeamViewer to Help Your Computer Issues

Along with making it easier on you to make service calls, like we discussed in our previous post on automated services, we make it easier for IT help too.  With the TeamViewer button as seen below

we are able to assist customers off-site and more efficiently.  As we mentioned in our last post, our Britt Dickerson has added TeamViewer to our website.  Britt states, “Someone would call me up and state their internet was down.  I would be working on another issue and couldn’t leave the office and the customer needed it fixed immediately because the downtime is bad for business.  Before I knew it, we would be on the phone for three hours trying to walk them through steps on how to use it.  TeamViewer allows me to assist customers quickly and efficiently with a lot less downtime for them.”  Team Viewer is also less intrusive with our team not invading your office and you get a faster response than having someone drive to you and take up yours (or your employee’s) computer to fix the issue.
It’s simple to install. Once you click the download TeamViewer button, you will need to save and run the program like you see below.

Next you’ll be given a ID and password.  Give the ID and password to your AAA representative for assistance.