For the education industry, recently, we talked about how the CARES act impacts you and how AAA Business Systems addresses the CARES act with our products and services. Last week we started the discussion about our Alexa enabled technology that allows you to operate multifunctional printers without having to touch the control panel of that printer.
This week we’re discussing digital signage. We at AAA Business Systems offer digital signage products and solutions.
1.) Commercial-Grade Displays. They come with a three-year warranty whereas a consumer-grade display may not have that extensive of a warranty. Plus, they get burn-ins and need to be replaced more often. Our commercial-grade displays offer 16 hours up to a 24-hour operation. Which means you can leave it on all day every day without fear of burn-in.
2.) Digital Signage Software Solutions. Whatever message you’d like to send to parents, students, and staff, we can help.
And because you’re in the education industry, you can use substantial discounts on your digital signage or any other product or service we offer. We are a vendor for several education contracts. If you’re interested in hearing more, please contact us.