Having graduated at our own Fayetteville High School, Kenny knows this area and has invested his time and energy in its success. Kenny started with AAA in 1997 and can proudly say he has been in the industry for 35 years. Beginning as a service technician, Kenny worked his way to service manager and deciding he enjoys helping businesses find the best solutions, became a sales representative. Because of a strong background and knowledge from the ground up in the printer industry, Kenny is an asset to our sales department. Currently heading up our DocuWare sales, Kenny’s specialty is not only service and sales of our printer side, but his immense ability of successfully integrating equipment into a company’s IT structure. In his spare time, Kenny helps surrounding businesses build relationships as the current Vice President of NWANB BNI Group in Bentonville.
Along with his investment into the success of AAA’s customers and NWA businesses, Kenny has developed roots locally with his wonderful wife, Linda, of almost 34 years’ marriage and his family, including a third grandchild due in June. When he is not playing with his grandchildren or assisting businesses with networking or document solutions, Kenny can be found camping or motorcycle riding. Meet Kenny as the host of our next DocuWare Lunch and Learn on May 11th.