“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” -Zig Zigler
You buy a copier because you need copies made. You buy a printer because you need to print your most recent report or a client has paid you to create a project for them. You turn your office paperless because you need an easier and more organized way to file your documents. We understand that when you go shopping for a product of ours it’s to solve an issue you have. Our job as a dealership is to build a bridge between the business problems you acquire and the right products we sell.
FOCUS. Our first and foremost concern is our customer. What do they need to help them create, sell, or service other people? Once we have a proper solution for them, we decide what works well with their budget and their business goals. After the purchase, we follow it up with training and service to make sure their product continues to be a solution for them.
QUALITY. We understand the product we sell can speak for itself. However, we also understand that you need to know why we chose a product for you in your proposal and how you benefit from it most. We may ask you:
What challenges are you facing in your business today?
What are your goals for this year?
What would you like to see happen in this particular area of your business?
We ask these open-ended questions to encourage you to engage with us and to fully understand the business problems you’re having. It’s only the beginning in ensuring your satisfaction with the solution we are providing for you.
DEPENDABILITY. You can count on us to make sure your solution keeps being just that: a solution. We don’t sell you a product and walk away. We stay with you to train you. We give you a direct contact to call should a need arise. We respond fast to make sure you don’t encounter any interference to your busy day. We don’t look at our copiers and see a brand, but a possibility. If you ask us how many pages per minute it can do, we can tell you; but when we do, it’s because we’re calculating to see if its output can keep up with your business demands. For the past three decades, we have built many bridges and continue to do so; because your solutions give our business and our employees a purpose.