Value Differentiation

  We have a potential client who has made us one of three office technology vendors they are looking to partner with. He asked me a common question and I thought many would benefit the answer: what separates you from the others? I answered him with this three-part answer. 1.) We are locally owned and […]

5 Benefits of an Office in the Cloud

  In today’s business world, employees are everywhere and not just in one central location.  Plus, your employees are always on the go.  Many take their work home or work from home.  Your sales department isn’t seen unless its Monday’s morning meeting.  With the demands of keeping your employees producing great results also comes great […]

3 Benefits of Mobile Printing

“75% of business users say mobile printing value is equal to PC printing.” – Ricoh Do you ever really go anywhere without your smartphone? Go ahead, consider it for a second. You really can’t think of a place your smartphone doesn’t follow inside of your daily activities. With so many personal and business assisting apps, […]

Paper Margin Shift

You have mere moments before you’re late to your next meeting. You rush to the copier, your coffee swishing dangerously close to the edge with each stride you make. Your hands are laden heavy with documents and you just need one copy of a chart. You unload your burden to a desk nearby and make […]

Sharp Aquos Interactive Whiteboard

Sharp Aquos Interactive Whiteboards are the next level of those drab business meetings. Sharp has designed a white board with breathtaking clarity in a convenient range of sizes. Our sales representative, Gregory Reeves gave an impressive tutorial on the screen sharing capabilities from your laptop to the Aquos. The Aquos Full HD 1080p TV is […]

How much is too much technology?

Yesterday’s article from Ricoh, “Connection is Critical: Information Sharing on College Campuses”, discusses the benefits of a flipped classroom. “A flipped classroom is an academic model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed”. This is where the students receive the lecture prior to class and participate in active learning […]

Now Serving Central AR: Little Rock is Open

As our great customers in Northwest Arkansas will attest, our quality service and products is always expected and delivered. Over the last 38 years, we have helped large corporations, like Walmart, to small businesses, like Bailey & Oliver Law Firm , with their office technology. Today we are excited to announce our newest location: Little […]