3 Ways to Keep Data Safe

We’re all familiar with hackers, cyber-attacks, and information breaches and we know they don’t just exist in the movies. However, what is never discussed is how to prevent them from happening in the first place. 1.) Disaster Recovery Plan – These are created to work in conjunction with a business continuity plan. Technology recovery must […]

Today’s Homework: Know Thy Cloud

Cloud migration isn’t a new concept and many companies are switching over to cloud based services because they trust in its stability. But a huge mistake that’s being made in this trust is when companies or governments don’t do their homework prior to choosing a reliable company to host and monitor their data. Here are […]

Secure Print Release

Secure Print Release, a term sometimes called “pull printing,” is a service on your copier which allows print jobs to be held until you, the user, are ready to be present at the multifunctional printer to take your copies, allowing no one else to view your documents. As our sales representative, Kenny Rohrbach states in […]

Benefits of Cloud Scanning on MFPs

Many multifunctional printers come with cloud scanning technology. Hard copies are abundant even with today’s office world being focused on digital. You’ll get an invoice that you need to place in with your tax records or you’ll have a contract that needs to go into a customer’s file. You need to place these in to […]

Products Should Be Solutions

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” -Zig Zigler You buy a copier because you need copies made. You buy a printer because you need to print your most recent report or a client has paid you to create a project for […]

3 Ways to Keep Data Safe

We’re all familiar with hackers, cyber-attacks, and information breaches and we know they don’t just exist in the movies. However, what is never discussed is how to prevent them from happening in the first place. Disaster Recovery Plan – These are created to work in conjunction with a business continuity plan. Technology recovery must consist […]